Limited access to
Incident Report for e-Boks Operation status
The previously mentioned problems with limited access has now been solved.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


De tidligere udmeldte driftsforstyrrelser med begrænset adgang til er nu løst.
Vi beklager de gener, det har medført.

Start: 15:51
End: 16:24
Posted Apr 08, 2021 - 16:40 CEST
e-Boks are experiencing operational disturbances - Work is going on to investigate the problem
Next update: 17:15

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Kind regards

e-Boks har i øjeblikket driftsforstyrrelser. Der bliver arbejdet på at finde fejlen.
Næste opdatering: kl. 17:15

Vi beklager de gener det måtte medføre.

Med venlig hilsen
Posted Apr 08, 2021 - 16:14 CEST
This incident affected: e-Boks app's (e-Boks App Denmark, e-Boks App Sweden, e-Boks App Norway), e-Boks web client (e-Boks web client users - Denmark, e-Boks web client company - Denmark, e-Boks web client users - Sweden, e-Boks web client users - Norway), Services (Signing service, Notification service, Push service), TEST Environments (DEMO DK environment, DEMO NO environment, INTEGRATION environment), and APIs - Customer APIs (International REST API, Public REST API - Denmark, EBMS API - Norway, S/MIME, File interface).